Coil Cleaning Services

Coil Cleaning Services in Dallas, TX

Coil cleaning is an important practice if you want to make sure you have a preventive maintenance program for your house. Our coil services enable condenser and evaporator coils to operate in the most effective manner, removing some zeros from your energy costs while improving the performance of its very own unit.

Do not neglect scheduled maintenance for this HVAC appliance. Doing so will wreak havoc on the coil performance, no thanks to airflow restrictions and reduce heat transfer capabilities. When you have dirty coils, they can contribute to a shortened lifespan of your air conditioning system.

At Power Clean Solutions, we recommend that you plan a preventative maintenance program that will pair with coil cleaning with our best in class installation. The installation helps you to avoid fouling the evaporator coil and prolong the time between one coil cleaning sessions and the next.

When we arrive at your location, we first put together a “before” image that may show how the dirt has accumulated on the evaporator coils when regular box filters are used. The gaps on every corner of the filters permit the entry of dirty air and enable it bypass the filter. This culminates in stripes of dust and dirt visible on the evaporator coil. In some circles, this is known as tiger sripping.

The ‘after’ image shows a coil that has been regularly serviced with our PleatLink filter in a harsh environment for over two years. As you can see, there are no ‘tiger stripes’ of dirt.

Reduce Your Chances Of Unit Downtime

Coil cleaning is an essential preventative maintenance for commercial and residential HVAC systems. Without it, there is every chance that your air conditioning units will demand costly repairs or general replacements. Now matter how we try to paint it, system downtime is never a convenient thing to experience.

In fact, it can be devastating when it happens in a business building. Not only is the productivity of your staff impacted when the HVAC is down for repairs. But also, a customer’s decision to return to your place of business is far more likely to happen if the air is clean enough and the temperatures are just about right.

Smart And Necessary

The best time to get coil cleaning underway is at the start of the new year — during spring, to be more precise.

Airborne pollen and plant debris, like cottonwood and dandelion seeds, are notorious for making their appearance in the spring season.

These clinging outdoor contaminates are everywhere, and they can be a nightmare for your commercial rooftop HVAC system.

Power Clean Solutions Coil Cleaning Services

Our range of services includes the cleaning of:

  • Evaporator and condenser coils
  • Refrigeration racks
  • Walk-in coolers
  • Self-contained units
  • Air handler units

Our coil cleaning services require minimized equipment downtime and adheres to international environmental considerations, like water reclamation. It is our job to assess environmental compliance in multiple steps.

We do so while working within regulatory jurisdictions and any local city, state or county requirements. Power Clean Solutions will work closely with your staff to ensure we adhere to all rules and regulations.

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